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Hair transplant & grafts – everything you need to know

Hair transplants are an effective solution for many people suffering from hair loss. Although there are different techniques and methods, the so-called “grafts” play a central role in this process. These grafts, each consisting of one or more hair follicles, are the foundation of any hair transplant.

The number of grafts needed is not only dependent on the extent of hair loss. It is also crucial for the aesthetic outcome of the transplant. In this blog post, we will explain everything related to hair transplant and grafts.


What are grafts? A key concept in the world of hair transplantation


In hair transplantation, terms such as “grafts” and “hair follicles” are often used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. A graft is a small unit of tissue (follicular unit). It is taken from the scalp and may contain one or more hair follicles.

A hair follicle, on the other hand, is the tiny structure in the skin from which hair grows. During a hair transplant, grafts are taken from a donor area, usually from the back of the head. These grafts are then transplanted into the areas affected by hair loss.

It is important to carefully plan the number and type of grafts to achieve both natural hair density and an aesthetically pleasing result. The complexity of the grafts, such as how many hair follicles they contain, can also affect healing time and the final result.


Why hair loss happens: Causes and the role of hair transplantation


Hair loss is a common phenomenon that can affect men and women of all ages. The causes are manifold:

  • genetic predisposition
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Stress
  • unhealthy diet
  • Medication

They can all lead to hair thinning or bald patches. In some cases, hair loss may be temporary and recover on its own. However, for many people it is permanent.

In such cases, hair transplantation can provide an effective solution to restore self-confidence and improve hair density.

This surgical procedure is often recommended when other therapies, such as medications or topical treatments, have not been effective. Grafts play a crucial role in this process, as they are the basic building blocks of hair transplantation.


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The different stages of hair loss: hair transplantation & grafts


The extent of hair loss is often assessed using classification systems such as the Norwood scale. This scale divides hair loss into different levels, from mild to severe.

Hair loss stage Description Required number of grafts
Norwood 1 No significant hair loss 0 – No transplantation required
Norwood 2 Signs of receding hairline 500 – 800
Norwood 3 Clear hair loss at the temples 800 – 1200
Norwood 4 Continued hair loss, incipient baldness 1200 – 2000
Norwood 5 Greater baldness 2000 – 3000
Norwood 6 Only a narrow fringe of hair left 3000 – 4000
Norwood 7 Almost complete baldness 4000+

This classification is useful not only for diagnosis. It is also crucial for planning a hair transplant.

The more advanced the stage of hair loss, the more grafts are usually needed. This is necessary to achieve a natural-looking and dense hair appearance.

For example, someone in Norwood stage 3 may need between 800 and 1200 grafts. Someone in advanced Norwood stage 6 or 7, on the other hand, might need more than 3000 or 4000 grafts per square centimeter, respectively.

It is important to seek advice from a specialist. Thus, the individual need for grafts can be precisely determined. This helps to set realistic expectations for the outcome of the hair transplant.


Hair transplantation & graft number: a balancing act between quality and quantity


The right number of grafts to be transplanted is crucial for the success of hair transplantation. However, other factors also play a role. On the one hand, enough hair density must be achieved to ensure a natural look.

Here it depends on the quality of each hair. In addition, the number of hair follicles per graft should be precisely adjusted to individual circumstances.

Too few grafts could produce a result that looks sparse and unnatural. On the other hand, it is important not to use too many grafts. Excessive grafting may impair healing and increase the risk of complications.

In addition, harvesting too many grafts could permanently damage the donor region. In some cases, the number of available grafts might be limited. This happens when hair loss is very advanced or hair density in the donor region is low.

Therefore, it is essential to consult a qualified and experienced surgeon. This person can tell exactly how many grafts need to be transplanted and create an individual treatment plan.



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Hair transplantation graft removal – methods at a glance


Two main methods are available for the extraction of grafts:
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). In the FUE method, individual grafts are taken directly from the scalp, which results in smaller scars and a shorter healing time.

In the FUT method, a strip of scalp is removed from which grafts are then isolated. Although this method often delivers more grafts at one time, it can result in a visible scar.

The choice of
can influence the number of available grafts and thus the final result. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be made in consultation with a qualified specialist.


The hair transplant procedure: from the preliminary examination to aftercare


The process of a hair transplant often begins with a detailed preliminary examination. This involves assessing the stage of hair loss and estimating the number of grafts needed.

After this planning phase, the actual transplantation takes place. In a surgical procedure, the grafts are taken from the donor region during hair transplantation. They are then implanted into the bald or thinning areas.

This procedure can take several hours and is usually performed under local anesthesia. After surgery, some follow-up care is required.

This includes regular cleaning of the grafted areas and possibly taking medications to relieve pain or prevent infection.

healing process
may take a few weeks. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully to achieve the best possible result.



The right planning for optimal results


A successful hair transplantation is the result of a well thought-out and individually coordinated planning. The number of grafts is a significant factor. It significantly influences the esthetic result and the patient’s satisfaction.

Too few or too many grafts can jeopardize the desired result and even lead to complications. Therefore, it is very important to choose a qualified and experienced specialist.

A well-executed procedure is based on a careful preliminary examination and precise planning of the grafts needed. This can significantly improve not only the external appearance, but also self-confidence and quality of life.



The cost of a hair transplant can vary greatly depending on factors such as the location of the clinic and the number of grafts needed. On average, a hair transplant can cost between 3,000 and 10,000 euros.

Yes, it is possible for transplanted grafts to fail in the first few weeks after surgery. This is usually a normal part of the healing process and is referred to as “shock loss”.

The transplanted hairs are usually permanent, as they are taken from areas that are resistant to hormone-induced hair loss. However, over time, age-related changes and other factors can affect the condition of transplanted hair.


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