Main Hair Transplant Fill in receding hairline – top result with Bank of Hair
Top result with Bank of Hair

Fill in receding hairline

Hereditary hair loss affects a great many people worldwide. Between 40-50 percent of all men over the age of 20 suffer from receding hairline and receding hairline.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! At Bank of Hair, we know how to fill in your receding hairline as a man! This will not only give you back full and natural hair, but also a lot of quality of life.

Thanks to the most modern techniques and the best equipped clinics, we can help you with hair transplantation in Turkey or in Germany.

We advise you at any time free of charge, without obligation and discreetly.

Hair transplantation – effectively fill the corners of the receding hairline

For many people who suffer from receding hairline, hair transplantation may be the best and only treatment. Here are the main advantages of this method:

Lasting results

Hair transplantation often offers permanent results. Quite unlike other treatments that may need to be repeated or provide only temporary results.

The transplanted hair usually comes from an area of the body that is not prone to hair loss. This includes, for example, the back of the back of the head. These hairs are unlikely to ever fall out, making them the ideal donor area.

Natural and authentic look

Hair transplantation can look very natural when performed properly by an experienced surgeon. A seamless transition occurs when transplanted hair grows like the surrounding hair. This creates an authentic look.

Safe methods for gentle treatment

In recent years, hair transplantation techniques have continued to improve. They are exceedingly safe and involve minimal risk. Moreover, they are carried out exclusively by qualified professionals.

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A single intervention is enough

A hair transplant is often a one-time procedure that offers long-lasting results. Quite unlike some other treatments or medications that must be performed or taken on a regular basis.

Increased quality of life and self-confidence

The appearance of hair for many people is closely connected with their self-esteem and self-confidence. Some people can be very psychologically burdened by receding hairline. This can greatly affect their self-esteem.

A hair transplant can help them feel more confident in their appearance again. This leads to a better quality of life, more self-confidence and a generally better self-esteem.

Increased flexibility

After transplantation and complete healing, the transplanted hair can be individually cut, styled and colored.

Some individuals may find that they are not eligible for hair transplantation due to health or other reasons. These include, for example, specific pre-existing conditions or the use of certain medications. Therefore, it is important to have a comprehensive consultation before undergoing such a procedure.

Have your receding hairline filled in with us

Experienced surgeons, a state-of-the-art clinic and excellent service: all this is offered by the Bank of Hair. For years we have been helping people on their way to full and natural hair. Our 10,000 happy patients confirm this.

Personal consultation and initial meeting

Every person is unique. That is why we always take time for our customers. The Bank of Hair experts analyze your individual hair situation. This will determine the best technique for the procedure.

How much does a hair transplant cost?

This will give you the best result , effectively filling your receding hairline. In addition, the number of transplanted hairs is determined (the so-called grafts). This also results in the full price for the treatment in the end.

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Hair transplantation – effectively fill the corners of the receding hairline

Our locations in Turkey and Germany

We offer both hair transplantations
in Istanbul
as well as in Mannheim. The procedure is performed in a specialized clinic, which specializes in plastic and aesthetic medicine.

The LIV Hospital in Istanbul is also one of the newest and most modern hospitals in the world. Both in Mannheim and in the metropolis on the Bosporus, only the most capable doctors in the industry work. You will receive the best possible treatment here.

In addition, as part of our 1A service, we offer a stay in a 5-star luxury hotel. This is already integrated in the hospital in Istanbul. This allows you to relax and recover before and after the procedure.

Our locations in Turkey and Germany

Transfer and efficient communication

In addition, Bank of Hair organizes all transfers from the airport to the clinic and back. For this purpose, we use only high-quality vehicles from German premium manufacturers.

To ensure that all questions and concerns can be clarified at any time, a German-speaking interpreter is always available to assist you. This ensures optimal communication. This gives you an empathetic contact person on whom you can always rely.

Transfer and efficient communication

Free consultation at both locations

You can make the free initial consultation in Istanbul as well as in Mannheim. The Bank of Hair team will precisely analyze your individual needs and hair situation.

As soon as the results are available, we will evaluate them. Subsequently, we can determine the ideal method for the procedure. This allows you to fill in your receding hairline with the greatest possible efficiency.

Free consultation at both locations

These are the best methods to have receding hairline filled in

Many men often struggle with receding hairline. They can affect self-confidence and are often a sign of progressive hair loss.

Fortunately, today there are a variety of hair transplant methods that can successfully treat receding hairline.

Here is a detailed overview of some of the most effective techniques:

FUE Hair Transplantation (Follicular Unit Extraction)

One of the most popular methods of hair transplantation is the FUE technique. Here, the individual hair follicle units (grafts) are taken from the donor area. This is usually located at the back of the head. This is followed by transplantation of the units into the recipient area (secretion corners).

The FUE hair transplant technique has two distinct advantages. First of all, this method minimizes scarring. Extraction of individual hair follicle units does not cause large linear scars, as can be the case with other procedures.

Second, patients can benefit from a shorter recovery time. The small areas of removal can heal quickly, ensuring a speedy recovery.

Sapphire hair transplant

Special sapphire blades are used in sapphire hair transplantation to create microchannels in the recipient area. This method is often used together with FUE.

Sapphire hair transplantation has significant advantages. The sharpness of the sapphire blades reduces trauma. The high precision of the blades not only enables faster healing by reducing the risk of inflammation and damage. It also allows for more natural results by placing the hair follicles closer together.

DHI Method Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation)

DHI is a technique that uses a special DHI pen. With this, hair follicles are implanted directly without having to open canals beforehand.

The DHI method of hair transplantation has clear advantages. The scalp is less traumatized as it does not require incisions or sutures. This technique allows precise application of each hair follicle. In addition, the less invasive method guarantees a faster recovery after the procedure.

SDHI Hair Transplantation (Sapphire Direct Hair Implantation)

SDHI combines the advantages of DHI and sapphire transplantation in a single technique. A special DHI pen is used to implant the hair follicles directly into the canals created by sapphire blades.

SDHI hair transplantation combines two proven methods. It combines the precision of sapphire technology with the direct implantation of DHI. This ensures high quality and often leads to the best and most natural results. In addition, this method allows for a faster and often less painful recovery.

Percutaneous hair transplantation

This technique does not use slots or channels. Tiny cylindrical holes are drilled in which the hair follicles are inserted.

There are numerous significant advantages of percutaneous hair transplantation. The hair grows in a natural direction thanks to the round shape of the percutaneous holes.

This leads to an authentic look. There is less bleeding during the procedure due to the smaller openings. It also reduces the risk of postoperative infections.

Fill in receding hairline for women

Bank of Hair also offers hair transplants for women. Hair loss and receding hairline are by no means an exclusively male phenomenon.

Many women also experience hair loss or thinning around the temples during their lifetime. Fortunately, hair transplantation is not limited to men. Spider spots in women can also be filled up by this operation.

A hair transplant involves the removal of hair follicles from a densely hairy area, typically the back of the head. These are then grafted into the affected areas to fill in the receding hairline.

This process can help women restore their natural hair and restore their self-confidence and well-being. For the optimal hair transplant, you should seek advice from the Bank of Hair.


Fill in receding hairline for women

Filling the corners of the receding hairline: This is how the procedure proceeds

Hair transplant
is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from the donor area. For this purpose, either the back of the head or the crown of hair on the sides.

Both regions are almost never affected by hair loss. These grafts are then transplanted to the bald areas of the head, the recipient area. This process is the best way to fill in receding hairline.

The way a hair transplant is performed can vary depending on the technique used. Traditionally, the strip extraction technique (FUT method) was used in the past.

In this hair surgery, a strip of skin with hair follicles was taken from the donor area. Then it was divided into smaller parts and then inserted in the area of the corners of the hairline.

Although this method is effective, it may result in a linear scar in the donor area. Therefore, it is no longer used by professional providers such as Bank of Hair.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the more modern and gentle method. This technique involves the harvesting of individual hair follicles or small groups of follicles directly from the donor area.

The extracted grafts can be used to precisely fill in receding hairline corners and to plant thinning areas. This reduces scarring and gives the patient a natural look.

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This is how hair transplantation proceeds in detail:

  • Preparation: Before the actual removal of the hair, the area from which the hair is to be removed is shaved. After that, the area is locally anesthetized.
  • Hair follicle harvesting: The FUE method uses special micro instruments. In this procedure, individual follicles are extracted from the donor area.
  • Preparation of the recipient area: After harvesting, small incisions are made in the recipient area to insert the hair follicles.
  • Transplantation: The follicles that have been harvested are carefully inserted into the small incisions of the recipient area.
  • Aftercare: After the operation, the affected area is carefully bandaged. Swelling or redness is not uncommon after transplantation.

Patience is required after a hair transplant to get through the healing process. The transplanted hair may fall out during the first weeks after the procedure.

However, they begin to grow again after a few months. Most patients should see significant hair growth within six to nine months.

Hair transplantation is a permanent solution for hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles originate from areas that are resistant to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Androgenetic hair loss is the main cause of receding hairline.

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Filling the corners of the receding hairline: This is how the procedure proceeds

Bank of Hair is the right place for you!

Fill in receding hairline as a man or woman

Bank of Hair has established itself as a leading provider of hair transplantation in Germany and Turkey. We rely on a team of experienced specialists and the use of the latest technologies. This allows us to achieve a high level of precision and care.

Our priority is individualized advice, safe procedures and natural-looking results. Bank of Hair is the perfect place to have professional and permanent receding hairline fillers. With you get the best before and after result.

Bank of Hair is the right place for you!

Fill in receding hairline as a man or woman


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It is possible to visually fill receding hairline with various methods such as hair thickening sprays, special hair tinctures or hair replacement products. But these methods do not provide a long-term solution like a surgical hair transplant.

The cost of a hair transplant varies depending on the method, price per graft, and provider and region. The best locations for hair transplantation are Germany and Turkey. A detailed consultation with a specialist is recommended.

In most cases, receding hairline is aggravated by genetic predisposition. Hormone fluctuations, stress, certain medications and unhealthy diets are other factors.


From receding hairline to baldness can take years to decades, depending on the individual. The process of hair loss is influenced by genes, lifestyle and health factors.

Secret hair corners can appear as early as the late teens and become more pronounced during the twenties and thirties. It is of great importance that genetic predisposition is taken into account.